Other Industrial Water Filtration Solutions
September 9, 2015

Recalyx filtration products help to protect equipment as below :

Protecting Heat Exchangers

Heat exchangers are used in virtually every industry in some way, shape or form. Heat exchangers take one of two basic forms plate and frame type or shell and tube type.

The plate and frame unit utilizes alternating configurations of corrugated plates compressed between pressure plates. The fluids flow between the alternating plates, one fluid on either side of a particular plate. The gap between plates is relatively small, increasing the possibility of the exchanger becoming plugged or fouled.

The shell and tube type unit has one or more rows of tubes contained within an outer shell. One fluid flows through the tubes while the other flows around the tubes within the shell. The tubes are susceptible to fouling due to suspended solids. In addition, low flow areas tend to allow particulates to settle out of suspension. Over time, these particles build up, eventually clogging the tubes or shell.

Recalyx can provide the solution to protect your heat exchanger from clogging. Whether process fluid, cooling tower water, chilled water, or more, our network of application specialists will ensure you get the right filter with the right screen to protect your valuable equipment.

Protecting Pasteurizers

Virtually any liquid which is to be used for human consumption must be pasteurized. Pasteurization is the process of killing any harmful bacteria present in the liquid.

The process involves heating the liquid to a suitable temperature and then holding the temperature constant for a set period of time. Generally, the higher the temperature used, the less time required to ensure pasteurization is complete.

Systems can include hot water or steam heating to produce the desired temperature. Although this is normally a closed loop, scale, corrosion and other particulates can be present. If not removed from the system, these particles can foul or clog heat transfer surfaces, resulting in incomplete pasteurization.

Once the process is complete, the liquid must be cooled to a temperature more suitable for handling. This also generally involves a heat transfer fluid, in this case chilled water, which absorbs the excess heat from the liquid. This loop is also normally a closed loop, but again, scale and corrosion products may be present.

Recalyx Filters provide an excellent solution for filtration of the heating or cooling loop systems in the pasteurization process. Ensuring that the system remains debris free will reduce operating and maintenance costs, resulting in increased profits.

Protecting Spray Systems

Water is pumped through a spray system containing nozzles in a variety of sizes and shapes to produce virtually any spray pattern desires. Solid particulates in the water can spell disaster for a spray nozzle. Nozzles may become clogged emitting no water or the internal shape of the orifice can be distorted from erosion or deposition resulting in distorted spray patterns. These problems cause uneven distribution and loss of crop yield.

Spray nozzles to be protected include irrigation sprinklers, drippers and center pivots or livestock misters for cooling. Recalyx Filters protect spray systems by removing suspended solids that could clog, erode or distort.

Protecting Sprinklers

Sprinklers are used in a wide variety of applications, usually for irrigation purposes, such as golf courses, farms, etc. Although most sprinklers incorporate an integral screen to help prevent the head from clogging, the best solution is to stop the particulate from reaching the sprinklers.

Water for irrigation can be obtained from a multitude of sources, including rivers, lakes, canals, streams, etc. This water inevitably contains suspended solids, including silt, sand, leaves and more.

Once these particles reach the sprinkler, they may clog the screen or the head itself. A clogged head can result in insufficient or inadequate irrigation. In addition, the head may not retract once the system is shut down, which can spell disaster. In either case, the sprinkler head must be serviced.

Recalyx can prevent these costly and tedious maintenance problems by removing the particulates before they find their way to the sprinklers. Adequate flow and pressure is maintained to the sprinkler heads, resulting in green, healthy vegetation. Since the units are automatic self-cleaning, maintenance costs are kept to a minimum.

Protecting Drippers

Drippers are used in a wide variety of applications, from irrigation to the mining industry. The basic concept is to pump water through a set of tubes, feeding the drippers. The drippers control the flow of water by forcing the water through a complex labyrinth, which reduces the pressure and controls the flow of water.

With the increased use of pressure compensating drippers, orifice diameters are often 80 micron (0.0035 inch) or less. With an opening this size, it is easy to see how the dripper can become clogged unless the water is properly filtered.

Recalyx provides an excellent solution for drip system protection. With fine micron size down to 1 micron, our application specialists will make sure you get the right filter with the proper screen to protect your system.

Protecting Membranes

Reverse Osmosis membranes work by applying sufficient pressure on one side of a semi permeable membrane causing water molecules to diffuse through the membrane and overcome the effects of osmosis pressure. Meanwhile, viruses, bacteria, dissolved molecules, many ions and most other solutes present in the raw water are trapped and prevented from passing through the membrane.

This process, while effective, allows for flow in only one direction and therefore doesn’t lend itself to the common cleaning method of back flushing (or reverse flow).

As they become increasingly popular, membrane separation systems of all types must be protected from the physical damage and pore clogging effects of heavy particulates and suspended solids invisible to the naked eye. Recalyx can provide all the protection necessary for MF and UF systems and act as the first stage of pretreatment for Nano filtration and RO membrane systems to ensure minimal damage and maximum efficiency.

Protecting Ozone Treatments

Ozone is a disinfection treatment that utilizes short-lived ozone molecules. These molecules are very strong oxidants that react very quickly and violently with organic matter. Because ozone molecules have such a short half-life, they are much more efficient at oxidizing dissolved organic molecules and single cell organisms than solid chunks of organic matter. Recalyx Filters can remove these chunks; thereby, greatly decreasing the required concentration of ozone.

Protecting Carbon Filters

Carbon filters are used to adsorb both organic and inorganic molecules that cause odors or tastes and many VOCs, petrochemical and toxic compounds as well. Whether the activated carbon is in granule, powder or fused block form, it will act as a granular media filter removing suspended solids that can blind the filter before all the adsorptions sites are filled with the molecules it was intended to remove. Recalyx Filters are used to remove those suspended solids so the carbon adsorption sites can be fully utilized. Recalyx Filters installed downstream of carbon filters prevent carbon particles from plugging process nozzles or entering final products such as beverages or food items.

Protecting Granular Media Filters

With a tremendous amount of surface area, granular media filters are very adept at removing turbidity in water due to the adherence of colloidal particles to the granule surfaces by various mechanisms such as van der Waals forces. However, media filters need to come off-line and use a high volume of water when backwashing. Recalyx Filters preceding granular media filters will remove a majority of suspended solids and keep the granular media filters on–line longer; thus, wasting much less water. Recalyx Filters installed downstream of granular media filters prevent media particles from plugging process nozzles.

Protecting Molds

Molds are often used to constrain a molten liquid to a particular shape during the cooling and solidification process.

Some molds may be equipped with a cooling water jacket. The jacket has a continuous flow of water flowing through it to withdraw the excess heat from the mold and reject it to a suitable location, such as a cooling tower. In some cases, such as where structural integrity is a consideration, the rate at which the mold cools is critical to developing the properties of the final product. If the flow of cooling water is uneven or interrupted, the mold may not cool properly, resulting in a defective final product.

Recalyx Filters are an excellent solution for protection of water cooled molds. No matter what the cooling water source, intake water, cooling tower, or other, Ricklyl has the right model to fit your needs. Since the unit cleans itself and stays on-line, even while cleaning, you are assured an uninterrupted flow of clean water to the mold.

Protecting Pump Seals

Many large pumps require their seals to be flushed continuously with water. This water cools and lubricates pump shafts and flushes sand, grit and debris that could cut seals or abrade shafts. Recalyx Filters remove these abrasive particles resulting in extended pump life.

Protecting Air Compressors

Great amounts of heat are generated when air is compressed on a large scale. Cooling water is used to remove this unwanted heat from the compressor. Recalyx Filters remove suspended solids from this cooling water to prevent deposition of debris in the cooling tubes that would decrease heat transfer efficiency and possible clog tubes completely.

Protecting Boilers

Boilers add energy to water by raising its temperature. Then the water is pumped, transporting that energy to other locations where it can be extracted and used for various purposes. The efficient transfer of heat energy to the water is the key to proper boiler performance. Recalyx Filters remove suspended solids from this water before entering the boiler to prevent deposition onto heat transfer surfaces.

Protecting Carbon Filters

Carbon filters are used to adsorb both organic and inorganic molecules that cause odors or tastes and many VOCs, petrochemical and toxic compounds as well. Whether the activated carbon is in granule, powder or fused block form, it will act as a granular media filter removing suspended solids that can blind the filter before all the adsorptions sites are filled with the molecules it was intended to remove. Recalyx Filters are used to remove those suspended solids so the carbon adsorption sites can be fully utilized. Recalyx filters installed downstream of carbon filters prevent carbon particles from plugging process nozzles or entering final products such as beverages or food items.

Protecting Cartridge Filters

Cartridge filters are very proficient at polishing water down to 1 micron and less. However, they are a commodity item that must be manually removed, disposed of and replaced when the pressure drop across them becomes unacceptable for the application. Recalyx Self Cleaning Filtration System can often remove more than 90% of the TSS thus allowing the cartridge filters to polish and last many times longer than would otherwise be possible. Recalyx Self Cleaning Filters followed by fine cartridge filters are often used for pretreatment before reverse osmosis membranes.

Protecting Fire Sprinklers

Fire sprinklers cannot protect property in the event of a fire if they are clogged with water-borne debris. Recalyx Filters on the supply line to the sprinkler system can prevent clogging and maximize protection.

Protecting High Pressure Pumps

High pressure pumps such as those used for descaling or deep well injection can be severely damaged by suspended solids in the supply water. Refurbishing is a very expensive process. Very tight tolerances between moving parts allow these pumps to develop very high pressures. Grit, sand and other debris erodes surfaces, loosening tolerances and leading to inability to reach desired pressures. Recalyx Filters used on the supply water to these pumps remove damaging sand and grit, protecting pumps and greatly increasing the time between rebuilds.

Protecting Instrumentations

Water entering many instruments such as ion analyzers must be free of suspended solids that could clog very small passageways. Recalyx Filters provide such protection. In addition, instrumentation in very hot industrial environments must be kept cool by circulating water, which is often filtered with Recalyx products.

Protecting Pump Seals

Many large pumps require their seals to be flushed continuously with water. This water cools and lubricates pump shafts and flushes sand, grit and debris that could cut seals or abrade shafts. Recalyx Filters remove these abrasive particles resulting in extended pump life.

Protecting Safety Showers

Like fire sprinklers, safety showers must provide a uniform spray of water each and every time they are needed. Recalyx Filters before shower heads and eye wash fountains eliminate clogging and non-uniform spray patterns.

Protecting RO/IEX/Softeners

Pre-treatment is a wise step in any reverse osmosis membrane, ion exchange or water softener system. Removing suspended solids with Recalyx Filters before these processes enhances their performance and efficiency by preventing them from acting as solid separators clogging with particles before they can accomplish their intended function.

Ion Exchange (IEX) – IEX is the process of removing specific ions from water and replacing them with more desirable ions. The most common method is through the use of chemical resin beads formulated for specific ions.

Softener – Softeners are a specific type of ion exchange process with resin beads that remove hardness ions such as calcium, magnesium and some iron in exchange for sodium ions.

Protecting Traveling Screens

Recalyx Filters are an excellent solution for protecting traveling screen spray nozzles. The filters will help keep the system operating efficiently by protecting the nozzles from clogging, which would impede trash removal. Since the filters clean themselves automatically and are virtually maintenance free, they provide a perfect solution to your clean water requirements.

Protecting Valves

Sand, pipe scale and grit of all kinds can interfere with the operation of many types of valves. Urinal valves in public restrooms can become stuck open when one grain of sand gets into the mechanism. The operation of piloted valves can also be impaired by solid particles in the water. Recalyx Filters protect valves of all types from troublesome suspended solids.

Protecting Welders

Robotic welders are used today in the assembly of most vehicles. Water used to cool these machines must be kept free of suspended solids to ensure proper heat transfer. Recalyx Filters provide clean cooling water for welders.

Protecting Center Pivots

Center pivots utilize moving segments that rotate around a fixed pivot point. The segments are equipped with emitters (impact, spray or rotary type nozzles) that are designed to deliver water at a predetermined rate to the area to be irrigated.

The water is usually taken from a local ground water source or well but can also be pumped from a surface water source. Regardless of source, it will inevitably contain suspended solids which will find their way into the system. If the solids are not removed prior to entering the segments, they can spell disaster for the system. The solids may clog or erode the sprinklers, resulting in uneven or irregular spray patterns. Since the system is designed to apply water at a certain rate to achieve maximum efficiency and uniformity in crop growth, affecting the spray patterns will affect crop growth, and thus, profits.

Recalyx Filters offer system protection. Our filters remove harmful suspended solids protecting the sprinkler nozzles from damage or clogging. The ability to operate without external power means the system can be used in remote locations.

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