Continuous Casting Water Filtration Solutions
September 9, 2015
Cold Rolling Mill Water Filtration Solutions
September 9, 2015

Hot Rolling Mill Water Filtration Solutions

Semi-finished forms, including slabs, blooms or billets, must be further processed in order to achieve the final shape. One such method is known as hot rolling.

In a hot rolling mill, the form is first introduced into a furnace in order to achieve the required processing temperature. The form is then passed through successive rollers, gradually achieving the desired shape.

The process is a source of scale and iron oxides that are formed as the steel cools between rollers. Each new pair of rollers removes this buildup and passes it to the sump. The rollers are subjected to high loading and must be cooled constantly. This is typically done using spray nozzles, which are supplied by the cooling tower.

The rate at which the product cools directly impacts the mechanical properties of the finished product, including strength, formability, etc. It is therefore imperative that sufficient amounts of clean cooling water are available, to ensure the best possible product.

Hot rolling mill cooling water systems are typically highly laden with solids, requiring a bank of filters in order to achieve system cleanliness. Recalyx Filters can help keep the spray nozzles clean and intact, ensuring continued product quality and minimal downtime for maintenance.

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